Real-World Applications

  • Provide common modeling environment for ex ante analyses to inform investment decisions, evaluate progress during project implementation, and forecast integrated impact from interventions.
  • Identify optimum outcomes for situations which require trade-offs among production, environmental and economic benefits and costs.
  • Hydrologists can anticipate how water harvesting for irrigation will affect stream flows and water quality indicators (e.g., suspended solids, ortho-phosphate, biological oxygen demand).
  • Soil scientists can anticipate how alternative cropping systems affect indicators of soil fertility (e.g., topsoil pH, organic matter contents, extractable phosphorus).
  • Agronomists can anticipate additional nitrogen fertilizer required to take advantage of irrigation or the increased yield potential of an improved variety.
  • Human nutritionists can anticipate the impacts of interventions (such as small-scale irrigation to grow green and yellow vegetables) during the dry season on family nutrition.
  • Economists can anticipate impacts of increased investments in additional land, fertilizer, seed, and/or irrigation on the probability of farm solvency over the next five years.
  • Government officials concerned about floods and sedimentation of rivers, lakes, and irrigation canals can anticipate impacts of check dams on tributaries supporting small scale irrigation projects.
  • Government policy makers can anticipate impacts from subsidizing costs of fertilizers, seeds, and other inputs on family nutrition and income from sales of agricultural products.

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